social media agency construction

Construction social media

Why construction social media is essential for the industry.


The first reason to use social media in any case, is because it is free. The only cost is the time spent on it. However, using our Construction PR agency enables you to have constant support and expertise in construction social media. This allows you to focus on other elements of your business.


We are a young and vibrant company with staff who are knowledgeable in all areas of marketing and PR. Our team are switched on when it comes to social media and can cater to individual customer needs, creating ideas that fit each requirement. Our history of clientele ranges from architects, interior designers and all types of contractors. This has helped us to learn and improve upon our techniques and skills to deliver the best results for your company.


We have over 11 years’ experience in construction social media marketing, giving us the capability we need to help you define who your target audience are and how you can approach them. Over the past 11 years, as social media has grown, we have developed with it. Our team are constantly keeping up with current trends and aspects of different and new platforms. We are consistently bettering our skills and knowledge to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media.


To find out more on how you can benefit your construction business through social media, keep reading for our advice.


Know your audience


To be able to build an online audience, you need to understand the different types of communities on each social media platform. Social media platforms hold a large amount of audience data. These include demographics and interests that can help you to aim your content in the right direction. It is important to establish who you are selling to. Who exactly it is that is going to be investing their money into your company?


Firstly, you will need to decide which is the best platform for your company to post media on. Depending on what type of business you are, will depend on the platform you push your content through. There are different platforms that fit different types of criteria. Whether you need to present visual images of your work, or you need to write business articles and include factual information, there is a platform for you. For example, an architect’s work would probably excel through LinkedIn and Instagram. This will allow them to create professional connections on one platform but show off work visually on the other. Whereas an interior designer’s work would be best portrayed on platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram where they can elaborate and expand even further on visual images and ideas.

PR for architects

It’s all well and good establishing the correct platform to post your media out to, but if you don’t have the correct content to post on it, then its valuable time wasted. When posting your content, stop and think, is this what my target audience have come to the page to see? For construction social media it would be favourable to post images and videos of your previous work and ideas for future work. You want the audience to be impressed with what they see and take the next step to getting in contact and working with your company. Other content to include is posts discussing different contracts and perhaps any funding your company has received. This would allow consumers to put their trust in you and believe you are a highly creditable business.


Grow your audience


Once you have established the platforms your business is going to flourish best on and the content that should be posted, it’s time to learn how to expand upon that. It’s all well and good starting up different social media platforms, but technically if they’re not growing, neither is your business. The more active you are on the accounts, the more engagement is created, in turn generating more leads.


There are many simple methods that our construction social media experts can advise to grow your insights on various platforms. Regularly carry out following sprees, follow similar accounts in your industry. This will enable you to see their type of following, posts, likes and see what works best. inspiration can be taken from this for your own page. Not only will it increase your following, but it will allow you to network and create connections within your field.


Posting regularly is key to growing your audience on social media. Keeping up with social media accounts can sometimes be time consuming and over whelming. But it’s the secret to the success of most businesses. Post daily, with content that your audience is going to want to see. Allow them to engage by asking questions in the caption, encourage them to like and follow. Send customers on a journey from the post through to your website, which could potentially lead to a sale.


Create a relationship with your customers, suppliers and anyone who might be involved within your sector of work. Reply to comments and start up conversations you never know where they’re going to take you. Be confident and kind to your customers, be sure to respond to both positive and negative comments. This will show your followers that you genuinely care.


Graphics and Visuals carry your social media


By presenting your audience with facts visually accompanied by relevant graphics, readers are more likely to follow direction and share/like your post. Visuals are more memorable and attention grabbing than text alone. The concept of using visuals has been around since the beginning of marketing, well social media marketing at least. A visual representation tells a better story and can play on the viewers’ emotion.


Not only are the images you post on your page important. But when creating graphics make sure your brand theme runs throughout. The logo, colour scheme and font should all tie in together. Customers will look at your page and overall business as being professional by having a consistent brand image.


Here at Construction PR we understand the importance of having a strong social media presence within your industry. However, we also know how time consuming this can be. If you feel as though our services could be beneficial to your company, click here to get in touch, or follow our social media pages for more incites on how to grow your following.


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