guide to effective construction company crisis management

We all like to think we are invincible. The truth is, sadly, we are not, and a crisis can hit at any time. Crisis management is a very large part of PR across the world. It is even more important when it comes to construction company crisis management. Any mistake or crisis can have devastating effects on a company; having a plan in place in case this happens can save not only money, but also your company’s reputation. Even the largest of firms can face issues at any time which is why it’s essential to be prepared.

Construction PR have been providing the construction industry with crisis management plans for over a decade. We have an expert team who know the ins and outs of different types of issues that may arise, so we wanted to give you a quick guide on how to deal with the fallout.

Types of crises that may occur

Many sectors of the construction industry (carpenter, labourer, architect, electrician, equipment providers etc) can encounter a crisis at any time. The aim is to avoid these completely, however, we know that isn’t always possible. These are the types of crisis you could face:

  • Hazardous material being discovered
  • Injury as a result of faulty construction 
  • Injury on site 
  • Bad press/reviews
  • Natural disaster
  • Economic crises
  • Product failure 

How does a crisis occur?

Even if you and others around you are being careful, a crisis may occur. It may happen by accident or cannot be controlled. It could also be the fault of negligence and improper practices. Whether it’s an active or inactive site, there is still the potential for a crisis to occur and present challenges. 

Don’t panic – have a plan! 

The digital world and social media have made it increasingly easier for a situation to spiral out of hand quicker than it needs to. To avoid any panic setting in when this happens, it is vital you have a plan in place to protect your businesses reputation. When putting together a plan for construction company crisis management, you should follow these steps to ensure it is done correctly. 

Step 1 – identify any potential crisis

To start with, you should identify any of the potential crisis that may occur. These can vary depending on the sector of construction that you work in. You should examine any risks factors and hazards before you start any work. If the construction is happening outside, be sure to check any external conditions. You may also need to consider the equipment you are using. It would be a good idea to input site safety measures such as hardhats etc to avoid anything going wrong and anyone getting hurt. If you can avoid a crisis altogether then it will cause you less stress, and even though you have a plan, you shouldn’t rely on it.

Step 2 – Establish responders 

In response to a crisis, you should have a team who are equipped to deal with it. Our PR team here at Construction PR have previously worked hand in hand with internal teams to be quickly respond to a crisis. This makes us the perfect candidate to assist you with anything you might need when it comes to drawing up a plan or enacting it. Initial meetings, followed by regular ones, can be held between us and your team to ensure we are all on the same page and that we are staying on top of any changes. We can help to establish step by step plans for every situation. We also will review these plans on a regular basis as your needs change. 

Step 3 – Develop your PR responses

construction industry based social media agency

When it comes to construction company crisis management, Construct PR are experts. We can execute a plan almost imminently. Our team can liaise with media relations when a crisis happens to protect your image and reputation. Every second counts and the longer you leave it, the more damage may be done. The Construction PR team will respond quickly and put the plans we have made into action. One mistake can cause irreparable damage to your companies’ reputation so it’s important that someone who has experience deals with any crisis. Only approved information should be shared with anyone outside the company. If it a bad review you are dealing with, it might be easier to handle but, it is also vital you have a response plan instead of panicking.

Things to remember 

To summarise all the above, here are the things you should keep in mind:

  • Ensure your plan is clear and ready: Don’t wait until it’s too late, be proactive! Have a specialist like Construction PR look over your current plan, and if you don’t have one, let us help you create one.
  • Respond quickly: a slow response can cause more harm than good and will reflect badly on you.
  • Establish statements and responders: planning this in advance will cause less stress and panic if something does happen. Choose the person who will give a statement so that Construction PR can release this to the media and assist with damage control.

How can we help?

Our experienced team are on hand to appropriately deal with any construction company crisis managementyou might need. We have first-hand experience of working with companies in the industry to deal with any crises, no matter how insignificant. The team will help you come up with a fully developed plan to ensure you are well equipped to deal with any crisis. The response we give if anything does happen will be approved by you and your brand to ensure we are capturing your brands voice and values.

Contact Us 

If you think you could benefit from construction company crisis management, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today to start discussing it today. Alternatively, you can call us on – we would love to hear from you!